Based in Ottawa, Ontario, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) is a not-for-profit organization that represents companies that are active in the marketing of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in Canada from the farm gate to the dinner plate.

CPMA's vision is to drive industry prosperity and increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Our Members

CPMA members include major growers/shippers/packers/marketers, importer/exporters, transporters, brokers, distributor/wholesalers, retailers, fresh cut operators, foodservice distributors/operators and processors that integrate all segments of the fresh produce industry.

CPMA is proud to represent international and Canadian members who are responsible for 90% of the fresh fruit and vegetable sales in Canada. CPMA is funded by the industry through voluntary membership and various services, activities and sponsorship programs.

Learn more about us by visiting the following areas

For more detailed information or for answers to specific questions, contact us.

Corporate Strategy

Since 1925 the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) has been driving produce sales through sound governance, planning and strategic leadership. In 2023, the CPMA embarked on a process to update its corporate strategy to build a better market and value proposition for the industry. The results of this journey and exploration culminated in a three-year Strategic Plan that will be implemented from 2024-2026.

The updated strategy is designed to expand the Canadian fresh produce marketplace, maximize value for members and leverage the global produce community that does business in Canada in a way that benefits all stakeholders.

The 2024-2026 Strategic Plan will focus on:

  • Advocating for produce – by increasing produce consumption, addressing supply chain issues, and engaging with the government on industry issues and solutions.
  • Connecting the industry – by delivering a world-class international convention and trade show, providing business-to-business events in Canada and abroad, and supporting the development and growth of talent within our industry.
  • Empowering the industry – by supporting training initiatives that meet the industry’s needs, providing an environment that allows members to identify new innovations, and offering relevant and timely research data on the fresh produce marketplace.

Our Mission

Enable the growth and success of an inclusive fresh produce industry by creating opportunities for economic development while enhancing the well-being of Canadians.