CPMA is fortunate to have a dedicated Board of Directors who provide strategic direction to the Association. Under the leadership of Guy Milette, CPMA Board Chair and seasoned produce industry member, the Executive Committee of five Directors support the on-going operations of CPMA.

They collectively represent decades of experience across all areas of the produce industry. Throughout the pandemic this group has met regularly and contributed countless hours of their time to ensure the long-term stability of CPMA.

We recently connected with each of them and asked about their personal produce story and their advice for the industry in these unprecedented times.

Click on each profile to learn more.

Colin Chapdelaine
Colin Chapdelaine

Star Group / BC Hot House Foods Inc.

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Mario Masellis
Mario Masellis

2023 Past Chair
Catania Worldwide

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Guy Milette
Guy Milette

2022 Past Chair
Courchesne Larose Ltd.

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Davis Yung
Davis Yung

2021 Past Chair
Fresh Direct Produce Ltd.

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George Pitsikoulis
George Pitsikoulis

1st Vice Chair
Canadawide Fruit Wholesalers Inc.

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Steve Bamford
Steve Bamford

2nd Vice Chair
Fresh Advancements

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Steve Roosdahl
Steve Roosdahl

Board Member
The Oppenheimer Group

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