The following past chairs are active at the board level and provide leadership, guidance and vision to the Association as it supports its members.

Name Company Sector
Mario Masellis Catania Worldwide Wholesaler
Guy Milette Courchesne Larose Ltée Wholesaler
Alain Routhier Courchesne Larose Ltée Wholesaler
Rick Alcocer Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. Grower or Packer or Shipper
Sam Silvestro Fresh Ambient Retail Marketing/Merchandising (FARMM) Affiliated Services
Davis Yung Fresh Direct Produce Ltd. Wholesaler
Les Mallard Fyffes North America Inc. Grower or Packer or Shipper
Jim DiMenna J-D Marketing Inc. Grower or Packer or Shipper
Beth Pattillo Kings Produce Ltd. Grower or Packer or Shipper
Larry McIntosh Larry McIntosh Consulting Allied Services
Gord Love North American Produce Buyers Limited Wholesaler
John Anderson The Oppenheimer Group Grower or Packer or Shipper
Walt Breeden The Oppenheimer Group Grower or Packer or Shipper
Prentice Dent Pear Bureau Northwest Affiliated Services